Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blogs I Wish I’d Written

I’ve done you all a bit of disservice.

As only a close family member can do by completely disarming you with an errant comment during the holidays, I was so reminded that if I wanted to end a blog, I should say so and not abandon readers.

She was absolutely right.

I’ve been blessed with a number of opportunities and I’m beginning to focus my attention on some new creative endeavors. Because of that, I’ve been neglecting “Kibbe on Entrepreneurship,” and decided to sunset it. There are others who write about entrepreneurship that can say things much better than I can. And to be even more truthful, I kind of ran out of things to say. I wanted to bring an honest voice to the blogosphere of what starting a business was like for someone in the trenches. Hopefully, I’ve given you some information, insights and viewpoints that have helped you in your own business.

I’ll still chime in to the social media world now and then when  I think I have something to say that will be useful and worth your time to read.

As I move on to some other projects – chiefly, a novel and possibly a completely new blog series – there were a number of other blogs that I wanted to write but didn’t fit the theme of “K on E,” didn’t know enough about to address effectively, or simply didn’t have the guts to.

They are, in no particular order:

  • Why I don’t talk politics in public, and why I don’t want to know yours either
  •  “Citizen reporters” are the worst things to happen to journalism since “Entertainment Tonight”
  •  I’m Catholic, and I’m proud. Deal with it.
  •  I could care less what shade of gray you are – I don’t want to know what or who goes on or in your bedroom
  •  Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ, all else is wrapping paper. If you don’t like that, tough. That said, I would love to celebrate any and all holidays with you as your tradition holds dear. If you don’t want to celebrate anything, I support your decision, but then you’re just a big ol’ meanie.
  • Why I think the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” IS the solution (I’m not violating my first non-blog because this is economics)
  • Why I believe reporters should never have blogs

Drop me a line and let me know what blogs you wish you had either written or read. I’d love to know!

Cindy Kibbe is owner of Cindy Kibbe Creative Communications, a professional writing services firm based in New England. She has written for several Boston-area media companies and was an editor for a regional business publication for a decade. She can be reached at


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